Tuesday, 16 September 2014
Figure Eight by Cassy Roop review by Jodie
Figure Eight- A strong, secure knot that jams under pressure.
He was betrayed by the one person to loosen the knots of his control.
She sacrificed her love to protect him.
Blackmailed into destroying the man she desperately fell in love with, Ashley (Carter) Woodson tries desperately to cling to hope that Dominic will one day understand her reasons for her betrayal and stop the one person determined to keep them apart.
False accusations send Dominic Michaels into a legal battle involving The Celtic Knot and emotional turmoil from the devastation that Ashley caused him. The battle between his head and his heart makes picking up the pieces of his life difficult while he fights to escape the haunting memories of the only woman to break his control.
When outside forces conspire against them, will Dominic be able to unravel the ropes on his heart to trust Ashley again?
What happens when love exists on the edge between finished and infinity?
We get to meet Rownan properly in this book and his a very likeable character not only hot with a sexy English voice that every time he says "love" makes me swoon but so kind.
We also get to know Knox a bit better too.
"I went to get answers, Knox. I'm going fucking crazy.I cant stop thinking about her,I can't get her off my fucking mind.I cant stop hating her,but worse of all I can't stop loving her."
Dominic's heart is broken the girl the only girl he ever let near to his heart has lied why?
what are Dominic and Knox going to do to prove they are innocent?
How is Ashley going to survive the guilt of lying about the man she loves and his best friend?
Will Kelly ever forgive Ashley for her lies?
Wow I loved this book I didn't think Cassy could beat book 1 but boy was I wrong I was hooked.This book leads straight on from book 1 which I do enjoy when a book leads straight on.I couldn't put this book down especially after the way book 1 ended I needed to know what happened. There was more twists and turns that you couldn't guess was coming you would never guess what was going to happen.
I give this book 5 star rating and a big thank you to Cassy for my chance too review it.
Promo for An Indecent Affair Part IV by Stephanie Julian
Title: Indecent Affair Part 4
Author: Stephanie Julian
Release Day!
About Indecent Affair 4:
Kat has uprooted her life and moved to Philadelphia. She's starting her own business and opening her heart. But caring for two men brings both rewards and pitfalls. Tristan and Adam are determined to keep Kat close and win her heart. But work dangers and family obligations conspire to tear them apart before their fragile relationship has a chance to grow into something stronger.
Stephanie Julian writes sophisticated, sultry romance for adventurous readers.
She is the author of the best-selling Salon Games series. BY PRIVATE INVITATION (Salon Games 1) was an RT Magazine Top Pick. OVER EXPOSED (Salon Games 3) released July 2014. Her serial erotic romance, An Indecent Proposition, is a reader favorite.
She also writes several paranormal erotic series, including Forgotten Goddesses, Darkly Enchanted and Lucani Lovers.
Stephanie is happily married to a Springsteen fanatic and the mother of two sons who introduced her to the joys of Slipknot, Warped Tour and never-ending headaches.
Find out why Romantic Times magazine, Simply Romance Reviews, Night Owl Romance and Joyfully Reviewed have called Stephanie's stories "fascinating," "truly fantastic," "intoxicating," "highly imaginative" and "hot enough to peel paint."
Q&A with Stephanie Julian:
How did you come up with the idea for this story? The Indecent series started two years ago, when I was asked to be in an anthology and needed to come up with a story in the space of a couple of days. The plot for An Indecent Proposition came to me after staring at a blank page and thinking, “What the hell am I going to write?” I wanted it to be a ménage, because I love writing ménage, and then I started to riff on the Beauty and the Beast story. For An Indecent Affair, I had already set up Kat’s backstory and knew she would need two strong men to help her become the woman she needed to be.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Love should be the motivating factor in everything you do. I totally believe the world would be a better place for it.
What books have influenced your life most? My own books? Seduced by Magic set me on my erotic romance career so that one’s obvious. The book that made me want to be a writer? Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series. Totally set me on the path. The book that made me want to write romance? Anything by Kathleen Woodiwiss. I’ve been reading her since sixth grade and she totally shaped my sensibilities as a reader. The book that kick-started my personal journey to publication? Possibly Ann Rice’s Interview with A Vampire. I remember reading that book and thinking this is what I want to do. I want to write. I was in high school.
Available on Amazon / B&N
Kat’s mouth dropped open at Tristan’s bald statement.
Naked and between them.
Oh, god, yes. That sounded wonderful.
She wanted that. And everything that went with it. All she needed was the courage to take what they offered.
Go ahead. Do it. Say yes.
Tristan watched her, his expression intent and a challenge in his eyes. From the very first, he’d been upfront about exactly what that he wanted. Which was her.
Nothing in her life had prepared her for Tristan. No one had ever pursued her with such straightforward commitment. It made her ache for everything he wanted to give her.
At the same time, it made her wary of giving herself over to him and having the rug pulled out from under her later.
That was a game her mother liked to play. Give with one hand and take away with the other.
Kat had learned to be wary of anyone who offered her anything with no visible strings attached. There were always strings. Something else her mother had taught her.
Her gaze skipped to Adam, who had all sorts of hidden strings. She wasn’t sure she had the necessary tools to deal with him. He held his emotions so closely in check, she sometimes wondered if he felt anything at all. Well, anything besides lust.
If they continued this affair, she’d have to learn to deal with that. And decide if she could live with a man who only wanted her sexually.
If Adam didn’t commit… If he was only in it for the short-term...
Could she live with knowing she would be only a bed partner to him?
Can you live with knowing you didn’t even try?
She’d regret it every single day.
“I want that, too.”
Tristan’s immediate smile lit him up, stealing the air from her lungs. His expression transformed into one of a man who’d gotten exactly what he wanted. Which was her. The thought made excitement sizzle and pop along her nerves.
Then she slid another glance at Adam and panic nipped at her confidence.
“It’s just…” She struggled to pick the right words. “I’m just not sure I know how to do…this.”
Tristan shook his head. “There’s no right or wrong. We’ll figure out what works for us as we go.”
She nodded but that didn’t exactly make her feel better. She liked having a plan. Liked knowing what was expected of her. Where she fit into the scheme of things.
Adam’s voice made her blink before her gaze flipped to him.
“We want this. Both of us.”
Adam stared at her just as intently as Tristan had seconds ago. But his eyes lacked the warmth Tristan’s held. Or did they?
She couldn’t read Adam. As much as she tried, as much as she wanted to, she didn’t know what he was thinking. The only thing she was sure of was Adam’s desire for her. That was clear as day.
Frustration bit at her. Would it always be like this? Would she always be lacking something in Adam’s eyes? And did it matter, if she found what she needed in Tristan’s?
“Do you? How can I know that for sure?”
Adam’s chin lifted. “You can’t. You can only trust me when I say that I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”
She absolutely believed that. She also knew that Adam’s bond to Tristan was so strong, Adam might accept her into his bed simply because he knew that’s what Tristan wanted.
Except that didn’t explain yesterday’s encounter.
“Did you tell him?”
The question escaped before she could bite her tongue. She wanted to take back the words immediately. Glancing at Tristan, he didn’t look shocked or surprised as Adam nodded.
Thank god.
That pressing weight on her shoulders suddenly felt twenty times lighter.
“Good. That’s…good. I don’t want there to be secrets.”
With a widening grin, Tristan took a step closer. “I’m glad we’re on the same page. Adam and I know each other. We trust each other. You’re not a prize we’re competing for. You’re the woman we want to make love to.”
Desire heated her blood at the warmth in Tristan’s eyes. Her fingers itched with the urge to reach out and run her fingers along Tristan’s strong jaw. To feel the slight abrasion of his whiskers against her skin. To let her fingers run down his neck to the broad muscles of his chest. Wanted to strip off his shirt and press her naked body against his.
She wanted Adam to plaster himself against her back, grip her hips with his hands and bite her neck so hard he left a mark.
Her gaze flipped to Adam, who’d held his ground.
“But you have to understand,” Adam said. “I’m not Tristan. I’m not easy.”
Amazingly, Adam’s blunt statement made her smile. As her lips curved, Adam’s expression lost some of its darkness.
“I’ve actually been able to pick that up on my own.”
Tristan cut the distance between them by another step and her heart skipped a couple of beats.
“So are you ready to eat?’ Tristan asked.
She blinked. “You want to eat first?”
Tristan’s grin widened and even Adam’s lips curved.
Reaching for her hand, Tristan squeezed her fingers then rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. “We’re not just interested in sex.”
Neither was she. But relationships were fraught with even more pitfalls than “just sex.”
She looked at Adam.
“Do you want to eat?”
She did. Her stomach rumbled at the thought. “Dinner. Yes. Let’s order dinner.”
“Or would you rather we lay you out on the table and show you why you won’t be sorry you said yes?”
About Stephanie Julian:
Stephanie Julian writes sophisticated, sultry romance for adventurous readers.
She is the author of the best-selling Salon Games series. BY PRIVATE INVITATION (Salon Games 1) was an RT Magazine Top Pick. OVER EXPOSED (Salon Games 3) released July 2014. Her serial erotic romance, An Indecent Proposition, is a reader favorite.
She also writes several paranormal erotic series, including Forgotten Goddesses, Darkly Enchanted and Lucani Lovers.
Stephanie is happily married to a Springsteen fanatic and the mother of two sons who introduced her to the joys of Slipknot, Warped Tour and never-ending headaches.
Find out why Romantic Times magazine, Simply Romance Reviews, Night Owl Romance and Joyfully Reviewed have called Stephanie's stories "fascinating," "truly fantastic," "intoxicating," "highly imaginative" and "hot enough to peel paint."Q&A with Stephanie Julian:
How did you come up with the idea for this story? The Indecent series started two years ago, when I was asked to be in an anthology and needed to come up with a story in the space of a couple of days. The plot for An Indecent Proposition came to me after staring at a blank page and thinking, “What the hell am I going to write?” I wanted it to be a ménage, because I love writing ménage, and then I started to riff on the Beauty and the Beast story. For An Indecent Affair, I had already set up Kat’s backstory and knew she would need two strong men to help her become the woman she needed to be.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Love should be the motivating factor in everything you do. I totally believe the world would be a better place for it.
What books have influenced your life most? My own books? Seduced by Magic set me on my erotic romance career so that one’s obvious. The book that made me want to be a writer? Laura Ingalls Wilder’s Little House series. Totally set me on the path. The book that made me want to write romance? Anything by Kathleen Woodiwiss. I’ve been reading her since sixth grade and she totally shaped my sensibilities as a reader. The book that kick-started my personal journey to publication? Possibly Ann Rice’s Interview with A Vampire. I remember reading that book and thinking this is what I want to do. I want to write. I was in high school.

Cover reveal for Regretfully by Leighton Riley

Title: Regretfully (Sinfully #2)
Author: Leighton Riley
Release Date: Oct 16, 2014
Find on Goodreads
Author: Leighton Riley
Release Date: Oct 16, 2014
Find on Goodreads
Pre-oreder links - Amazon.com

Completely devastated and alone, Tristen cannot fathom life after losing Cami and his unborn child. He attempts to find normality in his broken world but everything seems wrong.
Aria is compelled to help Tristen and cannot escape the undeniable connection she feels for him, even though Cami was one of her closest friends. She tries to help him move forward by befriending him but quickly realizes that there is more.
Tristen and Aria are both struggling to deal with these confusing emotions. Can they find happiness even when they feel utterly broken?

“Hell yeah, baby.” I moved her a little lower so she was sitting on my hard cock. She jumped once she felt my undeniable arousal underneath her cheeks.
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry! Does it hurt for me to sit on it?” She furrowed her brows in worry.
I would laugh if she weren’t dead serious. Poor thing. “Does it hurt for your pussy to be sitting on my hard cock? Babe, it only aches because it’s under you and not in you. Wanna fix that problem?” I grasped her hips and lifted just a touch so that she could feel me move beneath her slick entrance. If I wanted to, I could have slid right in; she was slick in her own juices from the orgasm I had just given her.

Release Day Launch for Illicit Desire US by Taylor Michaels
I am so excited for this book!!! Taylor Michaels is celebrating the release of the first book in her adult contemporary romance series with a blitz and tour and I am so excited to share it with you!! Check out the book details and teaser and the awesome giveaway she's hosting!!
Blogs Taking Part in the Release Day Launch
Illicit Desire Synopsis: Raphael is everything I should run away from… Cora
Milan came to Miami to get a fresh start, away from the memories and stigma that followed her and her brother at home. When she’s mugged, Raphael Ortiz rescues her. He’s sexy, successful, and dangerous—Miami’s most eligible bachelor and it’s most elusive. A cartel lord who lives on the wrong side of the law, with only a veneer of respectability. He is the exact opposite of a clean slate, and he makes no apologies for wanting her. When Raphael forces his way into her life, Cora knows she should run. But the attraction between them is undeniable, and Raphael is a man accustomed to getting what he wants. The more she loses herself in him, the deeper she is drawn into Raphael’s criminal world. But when her past, and his present collide, both of them will be left grasping for the only thing that can save them from the darkness around them—each other.
Taylor Michaels Bio:
Taylor Michaels is the pseudonym for Nazarea Andrews. Her books tend toward dark adult romance. She still likes chocolate and wine and book boys a little sexier than they should be. She can be found on Twitter and Facebook and loves hearing from readers. When not writing, she can most often be found playing taxi driver for her three daughters, hanging out with her husband at their small business, or burning dinner. She lives in Georgia.
Enter Taylor's Giveaway!!
Book Tour for Tempted and Seduced by Susan Arden (Playing the Edge Series) by Susan Arden
Title: Tempted (Playing the Edge Series)
Author: Susan Arden
Genre: Erotica 18+ Extreme Sexual Content
Publish Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.
~ Book Synopsis ~
One day is all it takes to be tempted into playing the edge.
After escaping an abusive past, Eliza refuses to accept the mind-numbing existence she’s cast into. Living in the shadow of her overprotective sister, leaves Eliza
suffocated and stifled, until Graham Gordon takes up residence in her yoga class and in her head. Just like that, her vanilla world is turned upside down. Graham is everything she should avoid and everything she’s ever desired.
Graham Gordon is wealthy, privileged, and harbors a secret vice no one would ever suspect. In Eliza, he has found the perfect acquisition: an innocent teacher he can’t seem to forget. During a private yoga session, Graham makes Eliza an offer she can't refuse and teaches her what it means to submit to his every desire.
Within Graham’s powerful presence, the veils under which Eliza hides are stripped away, unlocking her inner hunger to be dominated. But will Graham’s possessive nature save her from the demons of her past, or be another experience she must survive?
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Hello, gorgeous creeper. Silently, he extended his hand filled with my things. I had no choice but to sweep my fingers over his palm never expecting a zapping current to pass between us. I shivered, jerking my arm backward as the electrical jolt raced up my arm before discharging. I gasped when it landed deep in my belly. Distracted by my reaction, I made the mistake of meeting his gaze. His dark eyes in the daylight were bottomless, and his attention had my pulse in a race, but where the heck was the finish line? “Thank you,” I mumbled. “I can manage.” I wished he’d stopped helping me since I was coming undone. “No question. Still I want to make certain you’re all right.” Once more our gazes locked, and the effect was like entering into a timeless chasm. So, there I was kneeling on the ground, unprepared for the cauterizing heat of staring into his eyes at close range. It was all too much. I ground my teeth with the need to get away before I did something incredibly stupid. “Look, that’s nice. But I’m fine and really don’t need any help out here.” “Not a second ago.” He snorted a laugh. “Luckily, this machine basically drives itself and brakes fast and hard. Really, you could’ve been hurt if it’d been another car and driver.” The way he said fast and hard had me sputtering as the words echoed within my mind, sending a swarm of butterflies housed in my stomach into flight. Yep, I remembered, he did that to me. He offered the last few items he’d picked up and I reached for them, brushing my fingers over his. “Well, bully for me.” The words slipped out of my mouth. No way to pull them back, so I finished with, “This isn’t NASCAR, you know.” Without a break, his brow lifted. Game on. “Nor the Boston Marathon, sweetheart.” “Humble much?” I asked, going with the flow. “I’m not here to debate. Eliza, isn’t it? I dropped by to see when you might have a moment to talk.” “Talk?” I mocked. I couldn’t help myself. Talking was not what I imagined he wanted to do with me. It sure as heck wasn’t what I wanted to do with him. “Yes. Talk.” He inhaled in that way people did when they chose their words carefully. I’d seen it, but rarely practiced the art. “Last night in the class and now, I’m convinced we have a connection between us. No sense in running from it.” His eyes bored into mine and I froze. It got worse when he tunneled his fingers through hair, and a blast of heat rippled through me. The way his hair stood up looked like he’d fucked someone senseless. Who was I fooling? I seriously wanted to book passage on that cruise. “Oh,” I replied deep into a brain drain. “Unless, you tell me to go,” he spoke to me in a measured tone. Shit. Wake up, Eliza. Yoga. Studio. Student. Ring a bell?Buy the Book
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Tempted Video Trailer
Title: Seduced (Playing the Edge Series)
Author: Susan Arden
Genre: Erotica 18+ Extreme Sexual Content
Publish Date: September 16, 2014
Publisher: Swoon Romance
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.
~ Book Synopsis ~
The seduction is only the beginning. After giving Graham's proposal some thought, Eliza signs the erotic service agreement on the dotted line and crosses the threshold into Graham’s bedroom in New York. After all, it's only six months. But Eliza's a world away from the beaches of Miami, ready to learn the secrets behind the man who holds her a willing captive. The man whose insatiable appetite might just break her. It's a point of no return if she agrees to play the edge.Add to Goodreads
“Miss Hillwood, care to explain what the hell you’re doing here?” The sound of Graham’s seductively deep voice swept over me from behind and exploded in my head. I turned so fast I got whiplash. Our gazes connected, and the grimace he wore melted me, sending a jolt of something like apprehension or anticipation deep in my belly. I gaped up at him with my damp hair partially obstructing my view as he stood over me, appearing powerful and all too much a predator. And like prey, I sat there hypnotized by his closeness and captivated by the thought of what he’d do next. He brushed back some of my bangs. “From your flushed cheeks, I can see you’ve been here awhile.” He glanced around the club as he lightly traced my bottom lip. The feel of fingers on my skin made me hungry for more. “I take it your friends are still out on the dance floor.” “How do you know who I came with?” I asked, unwilling to get up and throw myself at him. Dressed in dark jeans and a black button-down shirt that stretched over his muscular chest and broad shoulders, he was sin, sex, and a click away from losing it. And I drank in the sight of him. Graham’s clothing left nothing to the imagination for someone who’d been pinned under him. That person being me. “I thought I made myself clear when I expressly told you to go home and call me.” He ran his knuckles along my jaw. “Didn’t I?” The slight kicked-up curl to his smile gave me the distinct impression the soreness between my legs would be nothing compared to what he had in store. I wet my lips, his focus trained on my tongue, and I swallowed. Seeing the heat in his eyes build, I struggled to breathe. The pounding music on the dance floor echoed in my heartbeat, thudding way too loud in my chest. I knew he wasn’t here to share a drink. He fully intended on delivering something we both remembered. His eyes glinted brighter, and he gave me a look that promised he’d consume me without mercy. “I forgot. Things got a little weird,” I offered, plastering innocence over my face. “Eliza,” he growled my name in a low rasp filled with hunger and frustration. I twisted my fingers in my lap. “Look, this is my last night out with friends. Besides, I don’t see you sitting at home knitting a scarf. Why should I when that’s what I’ll be doing for the next six months, if you have your over-the-top way?” That had to be the alcohol talking—this played into what we both wanted, and I never made things this easy. For anyone. “Do you remember the last time we had to take a short walk?” His arched brow sent a dart of excitement racing up my spine. “Oh, me and a few places in my body remember more than well.” He leaned in and whispered up against my cheek, “That tone, Ms. Hillwood.”Buy the Book
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Seduced Video Trailer
Seduced Playlist
About the Author

Social Media:
Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | YouTube | Pinterest | Crimson Romance | Google + | Wattpad | FanFic
$25.00 Sephora GC, Playing the Edge swag bag stuffed with goodies (Playing the Edge T-shirt, erotic toy, postcards, PTE mouse pad, ecopy of Tempted). One Winner
Cover Reveal/Pre-order Blitz for Love Too Hot by Morgan Jane Mitchell.
Title: Love Too Hot
Series: Table 21 #3
Author: Morgan Jane Mitchell
Release Date: October 7, 2014
2 sex addicts had a deal. It didn't include falling in love...
The third installment of the Table 21 series finds Loraine and Rick after their demons have resurfaced. Taking matters into his own hands, Rick tries to convince Loraine it's never too late. Little does he know, despite her addiction, Loraine has a new life, one that can't include him.
Gage, the assistant pastor at her sister's church is everything a woman could want, well almost. Great with her daughter and Rick's complete opposite, he's been Loraine's rock, a rock she's been lying to their whole relationship.
Caught between a rock and a hard place, Loraine sinks deeper into Rick’s darkness only to find her own. She begins to question whether love is patient and kind or if love is demanding and... hot? Loraine's question is answered in a shocking way when she discovers both men in her life have been keeping secrets. She's left thinking a happy ending isn't in store for her until one man offers her a beautiful beginning.
Pre-order Now
Also Available
#1 In Too Deep
Available now for only 99c as part of the Forbidden Fruit Anthology - Volume One
Releasing individually on October
#2 Never Too Late
Excerpt from
Book 1: In Too Deep
© Morgan Jane Mitchell 2014
“If I’m ever raped, I wanna be
on top,” Crystal ended her introduction as I hurried through the door. Taking
my seat in the circle quickly, I tried not to roll my eyes or sigh. What an
idiot! Didn’t she know women really were forced to have sex against their will
It was a horrible thing to say,
but the group’s counselor took it in stride. “Crystal, this is a new line.
Would you care to explain?”
“I’ve finally figured it out.
I want to be force fucked. I’ve set it up. Next week, five guys, it is going to
happen,” she beamed.
Ms. Collins’ face stayed
neutral. “So, you are saying you have arranged an ambush. You are having some
men pretend to coerce you?” I was so thankful she didn’t say rape. Ms. Collins
was always careful. She had to be, she was leading a support group for sex
Crystal nodded her head
cheerfully, clearly proud of herself.
What was I doing here?
Besides, sitting between Crystal’s gang rape fantasies and old man Charlie’s
foot fetish? Looking down to hide the contempt on my face, I was just beginning
to rethink my resolutions before Ms. Collins asked me to introduce myself
again. We had to at every meeting because half of the members rarely attended.
A long-term member would roll in after a particularly bad night.
Plastering on a forced smile,
I began, “Hi, I’m Loraine.” Last names were off limits. “As I said last time, I
am not a sex addict, but there isn’t a support group for my problem. So here I
“You could join the frigid
club if you don’t like us,” Crystal sneered.
Ms. Collin’s cleared her
throat. “Loraine is not frigid. She seeks out sexual pleasure as much as you.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Crystal continued
to study her nails.
“Loraine, please go on. We
have some lifetime members joining us today who have not heard about your
Having rushed into the
meeting, I finally scanned the room to get the shock of my life. I tried not to
drool but across from me was the finest man I’d ever laid eyes on. Inhale, Loraine. Mortified, I couldn’t
lie. Most of the group heard my story on my first visit. Now I’d have to spew
my secret to the most desired, eligible bachelor in town. Always straight faced
and serious, he now squinted, scrutinizing me before a flash of recognition shone
on his face. Shit! His sultry eyes locked onto mine, I couldn’t read his
reaction but could tell he was really paying attention now.
What’s worse, Richard Mahoney was
my boss, the owner of the high scale restaurant I’d worked at for the last
month. Only thirty, only a little older than I was, there’s no way he should
ooze such sophistication. He was a fine wine where I was an American cheese.
Rick was the kind of man classic novels were written about, the big sexy fish
no one could catch. Sure, everyone called him Rick the dick at work, but the
man made women’s panties hit the floor, and he loved every second of it. Being
made of money, his main redeeming quality, at least for me was he’d worked hard
to make Table 21 the hottest place in town and hadn’t stopped working when he’d
succeeded. Even though he could be off playing golf on a tropical island
somewhere, Rick rolled his sleeves up and was in the middle of the action.
While I contemplated if
running out of the door would be just as embarrassing as speaking, Ms. Collins motioned
for me to go on. I’d have to; I’d promised my doctor and my mother I’d give
this a try. Assuring myself Rick’s presence alone meant he’d had to have heard
worse stories, my curiosity kicked in as I realized he was sitting in this
group of weirdos with me. Rick had his own demons, secrets no one in town had
even whispered about. He was a sex addict.
Finding my strength, I started
all over again. “Hi, my name is Loraine, and I am 25.” I shook my head. Why did
I say my age? “I am not addicted to sex but to getting off. I seek out men on a
nightly basis who are willing to do anything to please me. And they get nothing
in return.”
“Meaning?” Ms. Collins probed.
“Loraine, we all explain our addictions specifically in here.”
“I am addicted to being orally
pleasured but not having actual intercourse,” I said through my teeth.
I couldn’t miss Rick’s eyes
popping out of his head. “Have you had, um, intercourse before?” he asked in an
odd voice.
Looking away fast, I said
nothing. I didn’t want to have to go through this every time I came here. Of
course, a group of actual sex addicts would think I was the strange one.
Feeling exposed, I crossed my arms over my chest.
Ms. Collins patted my knee. “You
don’t have to answer his question, but we all heard it last week. Rick has been
with us a long time. He is a very supportive member and shares frequently.”
A girl with red hair snorted, causing
Ms. Collins to give her a look of death. I spotted her nametag, Diane.
“No, I haven’t had intercourse.
I’ve never been penetrated by a man, by anything,” I answered clearly and
concisely. Maybe the questions would stop, but I doubted it.
“So you’re still a virgin?”
Rick uttered slowly, noticeably shocked.
Eyeing Ms. Collins instead of
anyone else, I blew out a breath of frustration. I so didn’t feel like a
virgin. “Actually, my hymen is broken.” I knew that didn’t really mean anything
after my doctor explained it, but it shut most people up. “I’ve been given the
option to go through some physical therapy to try to help,” I managed to get
out next. I‘d also flat out refused.
Ms. Collins provided a
reassuring smile. “If you would like to share first, go ahead.”
Nodding to her, I remembered I
needed this, to be understood. My therapist said it was necessary to share with
people other than my mother and him. He said what I had wasn’t just a problem
but an addiction. That I needed rehab but this would have to do. Here I
promised not to behave badly, but came to confess my sins weekly when I did
anyway. Maybe these confessions would help me make sense of myself.
“Last night, I went out to a
club with a girlfriend,” I said keeping things as vague thus anonymous as
Crystal perked up. “Lesbian?”
“No, a female friend. I met
this guy, a college student. I have been out of college a few years now.
Anyway, he was an easy target.”
“Meaning?” Diane, the red head
interrupted to huffs from other members. “Trust me this is the good part,” she
told Rick, touching his leg.
“Meaning, he was harmless. He
was hot enough, they all are, but he was naïve. I could tell he would be
thrilled someone like me chose him over his more popular friends. He'd be
thrown off guard that I wanted to go somewhere more private instead of getting
to know each other. We went back to his dorm, not to his room, but to the
showers. He got down on his knees, pulled my jeans down and ate me out. I was
in control, standing, leaning against the wall with my hands in his hair like I
was a guy getting my dick sucked.” Just remembering it caused my nipples to
harden as I tried not to squirm in my plastic seat.
“What happened next?” Ms.
Collins directed.
“I got off and made my excuses
to leave soon after.” I shrugged then laughed, “He was pretty, pissed. I don’t
think he’ll call.” I didn’t give him my number.
“So you are a cock tease,”
Rick blurted out.
“Now Rick, Loraine has tried
to go all the way but found she can’t. It may be a phobia,” Ms. Collins studied
me with her pencil to her chin. “You have no experiences with abuse, right?”
“None,” I answered honestly.
It was usually the first and last question ever asked. After I denied abuse of
any kind, no one took my problem seriously.
“Yeah, right. Just a cock
tease,” Rick mumbled to old man Charlie.
Richard Maloney, striking
black hair and light blue eyes with a statuesque body or not, was really
starting to piss me off. “I am not a tease!” I almost shrieked. “How many times
have you gotten your dick sucked and didn’t return the favor, not even had sex
afterwards?” I challenged. Guys did that sort of thing all the time, at least
in the movies. I’d never been able to date one very long.
Rick shrugged. I was right.
Crystal spoke up, “Rick won’t
eat pussy. He’s not scared of it; he’s just too good for it. I for one have
never slept a man who wouldn’t go down.”
Old man Charlie babbled, “I’d
ram my rod up that tight pussy, fix Loraine right quick.”
“Mmm hmm,” Rick agreed.
“Gentleman! That is enough.”
Ms. Collins scolded all of us and defended me gloriously to my embarrassment. Then
we discussed as a group how my behavior was dangerous, no matter how careful I
thought I was. Plotting daily to find sexual enjoyment had taken over my life.
The others related their problems to my own. We all vowed to change, but that
was easier said than done. We weren’t stupid; we were addicted.
After class, I spoke to Ms.
Collins alone to tell her Rick was my boss. Reminding me he signed the same agreement
I did, she added, “We all have secrets here. There has never been an issue with
anyone in the group breaking our pact.” That explained why I hadn’t heard of
Rick coming here. I wanted to be comforted by her assurances, but I didn’t need
any more trouble in my life. Never having told my secret before in this group,
I left the community center more troubled than ever.
Author Bio
Bestselling paranormal romance and erotic romance author, Morgan Jane Mitchell spent years blogging politics and health trends before she rediscovered her love of writing fiction. Trading politicians for bloodsuckers of another kind, she's now the author of bestselling post-apocalyptic fantasy novel, Sanguis City. Her action packed series of vampires, witches, demons and zombies is paranormal romance, dystopia, urban fantasy and erotica in one bite. When Morgan Jane is not creating the city of blood or conjuring up other supernatural tales, she's dreaming up erotic and dark romances. Morgan Jane lives in the beautiful bluegrass area of central Kentucky with her husband, 3 sons, 3 cats and a greyhound shepherd mix dog named Miss Penni Lane.
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